
The complete asset management tool for bridges and highway structures.

Inventory Management

Centrally collate detailed information on your bridges and structures inventory.

Document Management

Upload and store important files against structures. Make use of search features.

Inspection Records

Each element can be recorded with details of its individual defects.

Bridge Condition Values

Scores and indices are automatically calculated and reported back to you.

GIS Mapping

View map themes on background mapping.


Build a report made up of the fields you need and specify your own filters. Or use one of the built in Standard Reports.

Asset Valuation

Calculate Gross and Depreciated Replacement Costs based upon the latest guidance.

Scheme Prioritisation

Prioritise maintenance schemes with the value for money process.

Life Cycle Planning

Create 60-year deterioration models for structures based upon inspected elements in BridgeStation in accordance with the Structures Asset Management Planning Toolkit (SAMPT).