Life Cycle Planning : Planned Maintenance Works

When developing a life cycle planning (LCP) scenario, users may want to include planned upgrades or improvement works as part of scenario analysis. The LCP module prioritises the planned works while analysing the maintenance requirements for the given year. If the budget is specified, then planned maintenance works costs are added first (irrespective of the priority). The cost of planned works is subtracted from the budget. The remaining budget is used for any condition-triggered maintenance works. 

Adding Planned Maintenance Scheme

  1. On the edit scenario page, click on the planned upgrade and maintenance tab, and then click on the "Add new structure/scheme" link button as shown in the image below 
  2. In the add maintenance popup, select the maintenance year, and structure and then click next. 
  3. On the next page, update the scheme cost, and scheme description. 
  4. To add elements where maintenance work will be carried out, choose one of the following approach
    1. Auto select element: 
      • Use this if you do not want to specify the elements being worked on, instead, you specify the maintenance condition threshold instructing the system that all elements above a certain condition threshold will be fixed.
      • Select a maintenance threshold condition. All elements which are at or above the threshold condition at the maintenance year will be added to the scheme.
      • Select a default post-work condition for each element where maintenance will be applied.
    2. Specific elements
      • Use this option if you know which elements you will be working on in a given year. The system will put maintenance on those specific elements only.
      • Leave the maintenance threshold condition box blank, and select and add specific elements to the maintenance scheme using the element grid as shown in the image below.
      • Choose work type, cost and post-work condition for each element where maintenance will be applied. 
    3. Specific elements and auto-select
      • You can combine options 1 & 2, in this case, maintenance will be applied for specific elements irrespective of their condition. Maintenance will also be applied to any other element with a condition at or above the threshold condition.
LCP Reports and Planned Maintenance Works

The total cost of planned maintenance works is shown in the Budget, Expenditure & Condition report as shown in the below image.

In the KPI by year report, the "Expenditure Type" column defines if the works are planned works or condition-triggered works, as shown in the image below.