Asset Valuation (WGA/L Pack Return) - Export Data for Structures Asset Valuation and Investment tool (SAVI)

A Structures Asset Valuation and Investment tool (SAVI) export is available as an alternative to BridgeStation's built-in Valuation Report
The export is based on your BridgeStation structure records with the appropriate conversions and treatments made to make it compatible. The export is a pair of Excel spreadsheets to make it compatible with the SAVI tool.

Downloading the SAVI export

To download the export, first you need to run a valuation report. Follow the instructions for the built-in Valuation Report then click on the Export Data for SAVI tab,
next, click on the Export Structure Data and Export Element Data buttons.
You will need to download both sets of data.

Copying and Pasting the data into the SAVI Tool

  • The Structures Asset Valuation and Investment tool is currently available as an Excel spreadsheet here: Structures Asset Valuation and Investment Toolkit (SAVI) 
  • When cutting and pasting data into the Structures Toolkit, please ensure that the 'paste values' function is utilised to ensure that the toolkit functions as designed.
  • Users of the toolkit should be aware that pasting data into the toolkit may have some potentially unexpected consequences. Many cells have data validation criteria, which prevent invalid values from being entered; however, this data validation is ignored when data is pasted in and the user is not warned. This is standard Excel behaviour. Note, though, that invalid data entered in this way should result in an error message in the ‘Checks’ columns – users are advised to carefully review the ‘Checks’ columns prior to running a valuation.
  • Note that when pasting data into the ‘Structures Database’ input sheet, users should do so in two steps: first paste data into columns B to P, then paste data into columns Y to AC. Due to hidden columns, data cannot be pasted into the toolkit in one go.
  • Following the entry of data into the ‘Structures Database’ and the ‘Element Database’, please ensure the ‘Calculation Options’ are set to ‘Automatic’ otherwise the validation checks in Columns BA and Z respectively will not operate and the toolkit may not run as designed. The ‘Calculation Options’ can be found on the ‘Formulas’ option on the menu bar. Please also ensure that the ‘Calculation Options’ are set to ‘Automatic’ prior to analysing a new scenario.
  • Note that both the small and full versions of the structures toolkit require Excel 2007 to run the required macros. They will not run on older versions of Excel.

Export Compatibility

The export has been developed to provide structure and element data that will work with the spreadsheet version of the Structures Asset Valuation and Investment tool (SAVI) provided by Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) here: Structures Asset Valuation and Investment Toolkit (SAVI)

Structures with multi span element arrangements and/or multiple elements of the same type have been converted to a single set of distinct elements that can be processed by SAVI.