Maintenance Prioritisation (VFM) 2 – Structure Level Analysis (Tier 1)

To carry out Tier 1 Structure Level Analysis, first click on the Prioritisation (VfM) item under Planning & Maintenance on the Actions Menu.
Then click the Structure Level Analysis (Tier 1) option link under the Initial Prioritisation section.
The Tier 1 page will open, use the Financial Year filter to select the year your wish to analyse.
The grid below will show a row for each structure. Structures which have been analysed and found to be at risk are shown in red font and are referred to as Failed. The particular criteria that the structure has failed upon is shown as a pink background colour to the relevant cell.
If you need the full workings and analysis for each structure click on the Details tab. The Preliminary Priority List is the list of Failed structures.
The Preliminary Priority List is analysed at Tier 2 : Element Level Analysis.