The LoBEG package administrator might contact you regarding a recently submitted bid if there are errors and warnings associated with it. The possible errors and warnings are:
No detailed assessment
Invalid assessed capacity in detailed assessment
No detailed assessment - score defaulting to 0.01
No risk assessment
No feasibility for strengthening

No carriageway carried by structure
No record of maximum span length
No information on carriageway or railway crossed by structure - assuming neither.
Cost of repair in event of failure not entered - assuming 0

To view your bid's errors and warnings, first navigate to Amend and Existing Bid. One or more of the errors and warnings below may display. Follow the remedial steps suggested to remove the error or warning.


Remedial Steps

No detailed assessment

Open the structure's record and add a Detailed Assessment to the Assessment Results folder..

Invalid assessed capacity in detailed assessment

Once the Detailed Assessment has been added to the Assessment Results folder. Ensure that it includes an Assessed Capacity (t).

No detailed assessment - score defaulting to 0.01

Open the structure's record and add a Detailed Assessment to the Assessment Results folder..

No risk assessment

Open the structure's record and add a Risk Assessment.

No feasibility for strengthening

Open the structure's record and add a Feasibility Assessment.

Invalid likelihood of furture deterioration in detailed assessment

??Capacity reduced by deterioration??

Invalid extent/severity in detailed assessment

A Detailed Assessment has two fields called Deterioration Severity and Deterioration Extent. Make sure they both have values selected.



Remedial Steps

No carriageway carried by structure

Check your structures Carried/Crossed folders; if a Carriageway element is present ensure the Relative Position field in its element details is set to Carried by Structure. If the folder is missing a  the element, modify the element hierarchy to include one.

No record of span length

Check the structure's Span folder, there should be a Span element available with a Length (m) completed.

No information on carriageway or railway crossed by structure - assuming neither.

Check your structure's Carried/Crossed folder; if a Carriageway or Railway element is present ensure the Relative Position field in its element details is set to Crossed by Structure. If the folder is missing either element, modify the element hierarchy to include one.

Element hierarchy is not CEI Compliant

Element hierarchies are non-compliant because either there are 3 or fewer CSS Elements in the hierarchy, or if there are elements mapping errors to be dealt with. Open the structure and check to see if the CSS Element count is high enough, also check for any Element Mapping Errors.

Cost of repair in event of failure not entered - assuming 0

Open the Structure's record and make sure a Feasibility Assessment is added. Ensure the Cost of Repair field has been completed.

Invalid assessment level in detailed assessment

Make sure to select a value for the Level of Assessment for each Detailed Assessment added.

Invalid mode or result of failure in risk assessment

Open the structure's Risk assessment in the Assessment Results folder and make sure a value has been selected for the Mode of Failure field in the Consequences of Failure section

No entry for signs of distress in detailed assessment - assumed none

Open the structure's Detailed assessment and make sure a value has been selected for the Signs of Distress fields in the BD21 section as well as the Footway 1 and Footway 2 sections.

No carriageway lanes information provided on carriageway carried - assuming 2


Invalid number of lanes on carriageway carried - assuming 2

Open the structure's element folder in the Structure menu, make sure there is a carriageway element included in the Carried/Crossed folder and that a value has been recorded against the Lanes field.

No estimate of failed spans in feasibility for strengthening - assuming 1

Open the structure's Feasibility assessment in the Assessment Results folder. Under the Deck Element Failure Repair Costs section complete a value for the Number of Failed Spans field.

No estimate of total vehicle flow rate beneath structure

?? Carriageway element field??

Delay costs of failure not entered - assuming 0

Open the structure's Feasibility assessment in the Assessment Results folder. Under the Delay Costs of Failure section complete each field.

Impact of failure on industry not entered - assumed none

Open the structure's Feasibility assessment in the Assessment Results folder. Under the Impact section make a selection for the Local Industry field.

Impact of failure on aesthetics not entered - assumed none

Open the structure's Feasibility assessment in the Assessment Results folder. Under the Impact section make a selection for the Aesthetics field.

Assessment bid found for same structure in same financial year {String}

Assessment bids can only be made once per year for each structure.

Forecast spend up to last month of current year yet no forecast for future years {String}

The bid's spend profile may need to be amended to include future forecasted spend. Click the Amend Bid link in the Action menu to adjust the spend profile.

Invalid HGV flow rate - Assuming 0

Open the structure's Elements folder in the Structure menu, make sure there is a Carriageway element included in the Carried/Crossed folder and that a value has been recorded against the Traffic Flow HGV field

Invalid Alternate HGV Routes in Strengthening Feasibility

Open the structure's Feasibility assessment in the Assessment Results folder. Under the Deck Element Availability of Alternative Routes section make a select for the Heavy Goods Vehicles field.

Invalid bus flow rate - Assuming 0

Open the structure's Elements folder in the Structure menu, make sure there is a Carriageway element included in the Carried/Crossed folder and that a value has been recorded against the Traffic Flow Bus field

Invalid Alternate Bus Routes in Strengthening Feasibility

Open the structure's Feasibility assessment in the Assessment Results folder. Under the Deck Element Availability of Alternative Routes section make a select for the Buses field.

Invalid Alternate Emergency Vehicle Routes in Strengthening Feasibility

Open the structure's Feasibility assessment in the Assessment Results folder. Under the Deck Element Availability of Alternative Routes section make a select for the Emergency Vehicles field.